'Mayor Of Kingstown' Season 1 Episode 1 Recap & Ending (2025)

Kingston, Michigan, harbors 7 prisons in a 10-radius mile. The prisoners have no link with the outside world except for one, the Mayor. The McLusky family is their last resort. Two brothers, Mike and Mitch McLusky run the family business of incarceration. Mitch calls himself the Mayor of Kingstown, not an official one though.

The brothers run the town. They keep the prisoners, keepers, police, and the politicians content. They aid in truces, provide in-prison couriers, and implement tasks on behalf of the parties for a petty sum of money. The McLusky brothers bend the law and believe that they are doing a noble job. But when you are dealing with the dirt, you ought to get dirty. Will these two brothers be able to handle stains?

Episode 1: Recap

Vera Sunter, a local stripper, paid a visit to Mitch McLusky’s office in Kingston. She informed Mitch about her husband Milo’s buried blood money near Cottonwood Canyon. Milo was spending time in prison and wanted Mitch’s help to dig up the money and hand it over to Vera after taking his cut of 10 grand. After Mitch agreed, Vera handed him a map, and Mitch promised to deliver the money the following day.

In the meantime, Mike met police officer Tim Weaver in the Red Carriage cafe. His young nephew, Sam, who worked as a prison guard, helped an inmate, Darryl Johanson, and mailed his letter. Darryl had set a trap for Sam and was now blackmailing him. Tim wanted Mike to deal with it and end the trade. Mike and Mitch approached Darryl’s boss, Deverin “Bunny” Washington, to deal with Darryl. Bunny agreed, and the McLusky brothers promised to deliver two ounces of drugs to prison in exchange.

At night, Mitch called his third brother, Kyle McLusky, who worked in the Kingston Police Department, to assist Mike in digging out Milo’s money. Meanwhile, a local punk, Alberto Ramos, saw Vera in a local strip club and followed her home. He tried to rape Vera and, in a brawl, ended up killing her. Alberto found Milo’s map in Vera’s purse and decided to steal the money.

The Crisis

In prison, Darryl blackmailed Sam to deliver the drugs. Feeling threatened, Sam assaulted Darryl and orchestrated a brawl. The guards ended up fracturing Darryl’s skull while Sam procured minor cuts. The truce promised by McLusky’s brothers backfired, and Bunny tried to shoot Mike.

Mike and Kyle brought Milo’s money and locked it in Mitch’s locker. Early morning, when Mitch came to the office to deliver the money to Vera, Alberto pointed a gun at him. He forced Mitch to open the safe and then shot him in the head. Alberto stole Milo’s money and left.

When Mike reached the office in the morning, Kyle revealed that punk had shot Mitch in the head. Mike yearned for revenge. But Kyle and other officers convinced him that they wanted to deal with the tragedy legally. The SWATS surrounded Alberto’s house and pointed a gun at him. An officer compelled Alberto to pick up a gun and point it at them. As soon as Alberto picked up a gun, the SWATS pierced his body with bullets.

'Mayor Of Kingstown' Season 1 Episode 1 Recap & Ending (1)

The New Mayor

Milo’s henchman tried to threaten Mike in a bar and demanded Milo’s money that was seized by the police. In a rage, Mike slammed his head on the table and made it clear that if Milo ever tried to threaten him again, he would get him killed in his cell.

After spending some time in a cabin, Mike returned home, where his mother, Mariam, was already waiting for him. She said that their father invented the business of incarceration. Still, it doesn’t mean that her children have to carry their father’s sin. Mariam revealed that Mitch was lazy yet wanted power and control. That’s why he entered the business, but Mike was different. Mike hated Kingstown and wanted to leave it since he was a kid. She begged Mike to leave before the scum grappled him too.

Mike decided to leave. He took out the money and his passport from Mitch’s safe. However, outside Mitch’s office, a woman approached Mike and begged him for help. She informed him that her daughter was having some trouble in prison and her life was in danger. She needed Mike to talk to the guards, but he told her that he was not the Mayor. The Mayor was dead. The woman pleaded for help, and Mike was melting under her tears. Kyle warned Mike that it wasn’t his battle, yet Mike decided to fight. He stayed back in Kingstone and decided to become the new Mayor.

The upcoming episodes will follow the adventures of New Mayor Mike McLusky. Will he rule like his brother, or will the new Mayor bring a new chain of command?

Also read – ‘Mayor of Kingstown’ Episode 2: Recap

Mayor of Kingstown is a 2021 Crime Drama Series Created by Taylor Sheridan and Hugh Dillon.


'Mayor Of Kingstown' Season 1 Episode 1 Recap & Ending (2025)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.